Working Together: Bridging the Researcher-Practitioner Gap
Working Together: Bridging the Researcher-Practitioner Gap
Inthis article we share our professional experiences in bridging the gap betweenresearch and practice. These experiences are discussed from the standpoint ofthe roles of analyst-consultant and mediator-conciliator. Fiveresearch-practice areas are viewed through the lens of the former role: alliance dynamics, issue re-framing, sourcesof conflict, procedural justice, and turning points. Three areas are discussedfrom the latter perspective: goals andmotivations, cognitive and motivational biases, and relationship development.Each theme is organized into three parts that illuminate the value of researchknowledge for practices at both a macro and micro level of analysis: research,practical applications, and lessons learned for practice. Implications of the lessons for bridging theresearch-practice gap are explored in a concluding section. Both complementaryand synergistic insights emerge from the reflections.
Key Words
analyst, conflict analysis, mediator, micro and macro levels, negotiation, research-practice interface, conciliation
Keywords: analyst, concilator, conflict analysis, micro and macro levels, negotiation, research-practice interface
How to Cite:
Druckman, D. & Donohue, W. A., (2022) “Working Together: Bridging the Researcher-Practitioner Gap”, Negotiation and Conflict Management Research 15(3). doi:
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