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About the Journal

Mission and Scope

Negotiation and Conflict Management Research (NCMR) is the flagship journal of the International Association of Conflict Management (IACM). NCMR uses double-blind review and is dedicated to the promotion of rigorous, ethical, and impactful research on negotiation and conflict. NCMR welcomes quantitative research studies (e.g., experiments, surveys, content analyses), qualitative research studies (e.g., ethnographies, interviews), case studies, meta-analyses and comprehensive literature reviews, theoretical and conceptual papers, and replications. We publish interdisciplinary and international collaborations, as well as research by individual contributors focused on negotiation, conflict, and its management, and we welcome diverse perspectives and approaches to the study of these topics. We encourage research that aims to improve practice and pedagogy in the fields of negotiation and conflict management by providing insight into how to foster changes in perspectives and empathy, mitigate destructive conflict, and improve human living conditions through peace and justice.

NCMR publishes articles that develop theory and report empirical research on negotiation and conflict management at multiple levels, including interpersonal, intergroup, organizational, societal, and international. Articles in NCMR explore a variety of processes for conflict management, engagement, and expression, including negotiation and various types of formal and informal third-party interventions. Articles in NCMR cover a range of domains and contexts, including environmental conflict, crisis negotiations, and political conflict, among many other settings in which people disagree. We aim to provide a quick turnaround for research and encourage work that addresses influential and timely societal events, as well as historical and perennial issues related to negotiation and conflict management.

To facilitate rigorous, ethical, and transparent research practices consistent with open science, NCMR encourages authors to share their study materials, data, and statistical analyses and code when feasible in a public repository, such as the Open Science Framework (, the Dataverse Project (, or another similar platform in which a persistent URL and doi link can be generated. Authors are also encouraged to include a data accessibility statement within their article where appropriate and follow appropriate data citation principles. All published articles are discoverable through major search engines and are indexed in relevant library databases.

As a Diamond Open Access and Open Science journal (OA-OS) (also known as Platinum OA-OS), NCMR is free to all readers across the world and also free for all authors with no publication fees or readership fees charged to anyone. We are grateful to the Kellogg Dispute Resolution Research Center at Northwestern University, Carnegie Mellon University Library Publishing Service, and IACM members for their sponsorship of the journal.

Special issue proposals are considered, but any special issue submission must fit the scope of publication of NCMR first and foremost. Please refer to the section on For Special Issue Editors for details.

Abstracting, Indexing, and Ratings

Journal Citation Report and Scopus Indices

  • 2-year impact factor: 1.263
  • 5-year impact factor: 1.56
  • CiteScore: 2.5
  • SJR: 0.653
  • SNIP: 0.581
  • Online ISSN: 1750-4716
  • © International Association for Conflict Management

Abstracting and Indexing Information

  • Current Contents: Social & Behavioral Sciences (Clarivate Analytics)
  • PsycINFO/Psychological Abstracts (APA)
  • SCOPUS (Elsevier)
  • Social Sciences Citation Index (Clarivate Analytics)
  • SocINDEX (EBSCO Publishing)
  • Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics)
  • Business Source Premier/Complete