Author Guidelines
- NCMR publishes ONLY original manuscripts.
- Manuscripts should adhere to APA Style, 7th edition to construct the title page, levels of headings, statistics, in-text citations, references, tables, figures, appendices, etc.
- New: Please embed tables and figures in the text after its first callout (2nd option required in APA). Do not list them at the end of the manuscript. This will ease our online production process.
- Manuscripts should be written in 12-point font and double-spaced with standard margins.
- Manuscripts should not contain any identifiable information about the authors or the names of the data source. In case of exceptions, the authors must contact the Editor-in-Chief to obtain special permissions.
- The text body of the manuscripts should not exceed 30 pages (i.e., excluding cover page, abstract, references, tables, figures, appendices, and any supplemental materials). Contact the Editor if your paper has a legitimate need to go over the limit.
- When submitting, the following should be on their own pages:
- Title page with the author notes
- If any funding source is used in your research, please identify the funding source in the author notes.
- Abstract with six very well-chosen keywords that best represent your article and may potentially increase your article’s visibility and citations.
Cover Letter
Include a cover letter with the following:
- Your postal address, email contact, and telephone number
- A statement recognizing any sources of research funding: Briefly describe the role of the funding agent. If applicable, describe its influence on the completion of the submitted manuscript (e.g., research design, data collection, data analysis, writing of the report).
- A statement regarding ethical clearances obtained if applicable (e.g. IRB approval).
- If the data used in the manuscript is part of a bigger dataset, a statement must be made about how the partial data have been used appropriately and ethically (refer to COPE) for the submitted study.
- The following exact statements:
- As the author(s), I/we confirm that the manuscript adheres to COPE and NCMR’s submission policy and Publication Ethics.
- As the author(s), I/we confirm that this manuscript is only being submitted to NCMR for publication consideration and is not involved in any duplicate submission.
- As the author(s), I/we confirm that this manuscript has not used the same dataset for multiple submissions inappropriately according to COPE.
- As the author(s), I/we confirm that we have read the What We Publish and What We Do Not Publish sections and have reported the required information based on the nature of methodology used in this manuscript.
- As the author(s), I/we confirm that we have obtained the right to preserve the dataset, syntax, and output from all empirical analyses discussed in this manuscript for five years (or more) based on the IRB approval. If researchers are conducting meta-analyses or have questions about the results reported in this manuscript, I/we will be open to the possibility of sharing these materials with these researchers.
- A statement about the availability of your research materials based on NCMR’s Open Science (OS) practice. Specifically, NCMR strongly encourages, but not requires that the authors submit their research-related information such as datasets, citizen science projects, open lab notebooks, and open source software, etc. Please check the second point, Availability of research materials in Additional Information for Authors for more details.
- If the research materials are available, please make a statement that, if the manuscript is accepted at NCMR, you are willing to make any research related materials available such as data, stimulus materials, experimental procedures, data source for content analysis, survey questionnaires, interview and focus group transcripts and original recordings, fieldnotes, coding keys, instructions, etc.
- If your research materials are not available, please state clearly why the data are not available. Here is a sample statement: "Because of the sensitive nature of the interview questions asked, the researchers assured the participants that their raw data would remain confidential and would not be shared."
- Please note that the availability of your research-related materials will not influence the likelihood that your manuscript will be accepted. Although such availability may influence the Best Article Award celebrated annually at the IACM conference.
In order to match submissions with reviewers’ strengths, at least one keyword is required for each of the following categories:
- Discipline (maximum of 2 keywords)
- Topic (maximum of 3 keywords)
- Method (maximum of 2 keywords)
Additionally, you have the option of recommending a maximum of 4 potential reviewers. If so, you must provide a rationale for the recommendation and the complete contact and affiliation information for each recommended reviewer.
Please be aware that recommended reviewers must be able to preserve the double-anonymized review process. For this reason, recommended reviewers should not be mentors, proteges, university colleagues, or regular collaborators or co-authors.
"Any co-author relationship should be disclosed, including citations of the papers co-authored with the nominee so that the editor is able to assess whether the co-author nominee is sufficiently 'distant' from the author."
If you oppose any reviewer, please indicate so as well and provide your rationale.
We strongly recommend each author registers for or use your ORCID as you submit your manuscript. Your unique ORCID ensures the accuracy of your research records across various publication venues, journals and books included.
Registered Reports
Registered Reports are a form of empirical article in which the methods and proposed analyses are pre-registered and reviewed prior to research being conducted. This format is designed to minimize bias in deductive science, while also allowing complete flexibility to conduct exploratory (unregistered) analyses and report serendipitous findings.
The cornerstone of the Registered Reports format is that the introduction and methods section of an article will be assessed prior to data collection, with the highest quality submissions accepted in principle in advance. Your initial submission consists of an introduction and methods section, and these should include: a description of the key research question and background literature, hypotheses, experimental procedures, analysis pipeline, a statistical power analysis (or Bayesian equivalent), and pilot data (where applicable).
Initial submissions will be selected by an editorial team for suitability. You can expect to hear back from NCMR, should your submission be deemed not suitable for publication at NCMR. We want to help authors quickly identify an alternative outlet for their work and so are keen to notify authors quickly if their Registered Report is deemed not suitable for publication at NCMR. Submissions that pass this initial selection stage will then be sent for in-depth peer review (Stage 1). Following review, the article will then be either rejected or accepted in principle for publication. Following in principle acceptance (IPA), the authors will then conduct the study, adhering exactly to the peer-reviewed procedures. When the study is complete the authors will submit their finalised manuscript for re-review (Stage 2) and will upload their raw data, digital study materials, and laboratory log to a publicly accessible file-sharing service such as the Negotiation Data Repository ( or the Open Science Framework ( Pending quality checks and a sensible interpretation of the findings, the manuscript will be published regardless of the results. For more information click here.