Globalization: Current Issues and Future Research Directions
In this paper, we propose a research agenda for psychologists in general, and scholars of culture and negotiations in particular, to address the key challenges of dealing with an increasingly globalized world from a psychological perspective. Building on an understanding of globalization in terms of cultural and subjective matters, we propose three research domains in which psychology scholars can contribute to a further understanding of our global society: (a) the effects of global contact on cognition and behavior; (b) hybridization and human agency; and (c) new forms of cooperation. In each domain, we start with a particular key tenet within the globalization or cosmopolitan literature and then develop research questions that connect human experience and human behavior with globalization. We conclude with research implications.
Keywords: negotiation, culture, globalization
How to Cite:
Janssens, M., Maddux, W. & Nguyen, T., (2019) “Globalization: Current Issues and Future Research Directions”, Negotiation and Conflict Management Research 12(2), 174-185. doi:
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