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Goals in Negotiation Revisited: The Impact of Goal Setting and Implicit Negotiation Beliefs

  • Kevin Tasa
  • Anthony Celani
  • Chris M. Bell


In two studies, we investigated whether learning goals, which focus attention on task strategies rather than outcomes, affect negotiator behavior and results differently than performance goals. In Study 1, negotiators with learning goals had lower rates of impasse and were judged to be most cooperative. Study 2 replicated these results using a different task and also compared the impact of learning and performance goals to dispositional goal orientation. We found that implicit negotiation beliefs, derived from theories of dispositional goal orientation, were associated with value claiming and interacted with goal type such that the relationship was strongest in the learning goal condition. In addition, negotiators with learning goals developed greater understanding about their counterpart's interests and created more integrative deals. These results show that negotiated outcomes are influenced by both goal type and the extent to which negotiators view their skills as malleable.

Keywords: negotiation, goal setting, learning goals, implicit negotiation beliefs, achievement goals, impasse rates, distributive bargaining, integrative bargaining

How to Cite:

Tasa, K., Celani, A. & Bell, C., (2013) “Goals in Negotiation Revisited: The Impact of Goal Setting and Implicit Negotiation Beliefs”, Negotiation and Conflict Management Research 6(2), 114-132. doi:

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