Negotiation Strategy: A Cross-Cultural Meta-Analytic Evaluation of Theory and Measurement
Negotiation theorists conceptualize negotiation strategy from a behavioral or a motivational perspective and negotiation researchers code transcripts or collect negotiators’ self-reports to operationalize it. This meta-analysis evaluates the functional similarities and differences between these different theoretical perspectives and approaches to measuring negotiation strategy as it predicts joint gains. We analyzed 3,899 unique negotiations from 76 independent samples and 46 different papers. Our results reveal that motivational and behavioral theories and self-report and behavioral coding measurements yield similar predictions and are functionally equivalent, significant predictors of joint gains. On the other hand, our analysis testing culture (Western versus East Asian, South Asian and Middle Eastern samples) as moderator reveals that the current theories and methods of measuring negotiation strategy are only significant predictors of joint gains in Western culture samples.
How to Cite:
Brett, J. M., Ramirez-Marin, J. & Galoni, C., (2021) “Negotiation Strategy: A Cross-Cultural Meta-Analytic Evaluation of Theory and Measurement”, Negotiation and Conflict Management Research 14(4). doi:
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